(07) 5437 8555     Mon - Fri : 08:00am - 05:00pm     26 Premier Circuit, Warana QLD 4575
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Chinchilla office recently celebrated another safety milestone, 1500 LTI Free Days on the QGC Shell Project, with the Chinny 1500 Golf Day. The winners of the day will have their names embroidered on the famous brown ‘Cloaker’ but there were many more prizes up for grabs throughout the day. It was a fantastic (and hot)...
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DSQ recently sponsored a hole and participated in the UDIA Golf Day. DSQ Directors Tony Pike and Blair Ffitch teamed up with Toby Zaremba and Al Larchin from Formia for the day. Our admin girls were set up at Hole 2 (Par 3) and had a great time handing out prizes for the best (and...
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Happy Father’s Day to all Dads this Sunday. DSQ currently employs four father and son teams, three out at our Chinchilla office and one here at Warana. All of the fathers started with DSQ and they recruited their sons for various roles in our team. Great to see the next generation taking the lead and...
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DSQ’s Company Director, Tony Pike, was presented with a certificate acknowledging DSQ’s 20 years of membership with the UDIA association. UDIA’s Branch President presented Tony with the certificate at their recent event on the Sunshine Coast.
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DSQ out on site completing the final asconstructed survey on a development in Glass House Mountains. The location and view of the mountains was enough for one of our guys to purchase a block in the estate!
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A lot of our crew members in Chinchilla drive some significant kilometres behind the wheel, which happens to be one of the most hazardous tasks they undertake. All of DSQ’s project vehicles are fitted with an Integrated Vehicle Management System (IVMS) that records the driving performance of an individual. One of our crew members has...
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DSQ has recently held their biannual photo competition. We received so many excellent entries, featured are our top three winners. Thank you to everyone who participated, we thoroughly enjoy seeing what you all get up to on site and can’t wait for next year’s comp!
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DSQ is doing their bit for the community, recently volunteering our services to peg out a land lease for WindanSea Boardrider’s new clubhouse at Currimundi. The clubhouse will be a shared community space, run by a committee of surfers and community members from diverse groups to provide a general meeting place. The groups include Windansea...
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A project recently undertaken was to help significantly reduce paper work and improve real time data on safety processes that DSQ has in place. Nick McNabb took on this project and the results were outstanding – as a matter of fact Nick accomplished more than he anticipated. Not only did he achieve the goal of...
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Only 100m from the beach, it was an absolute jungle on this site…… can you spot our total station along the cleared line!
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