(07) 5437 8555     Mon - Fri : 08:00am - 05:00pm     26 Premier Circuit, Warana QLD 4575
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March 2020
Don Lantz was nominated for DSQ’s Safety Award this month for consistently demonstrating a positive approach to safety. Don has been a valued member of our Surveying team in Chinchilla for nearly 2 years now and provides a great example for others in the industry. He is especially commended for his continuous efforts to document...
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March 21 is recognised as Global Surveyors Day to encourage the rest of the world to reflect on the important work our Surveyors do. DSQ would like to commemorate our Surveyors for the integral role they play in Land and Infrastructure Development. In recognition of this, we have put together some photos taken by our...
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We recently made it to 1000 days Incident and Injury free on the Shell QGC Project and celebrated with the Chinny 1000 Golf Day. This safety achievement is a fantastic effort and one that we are very proud of. Our Chinchilla crew and the QGC team got together to play a friendly (and slightly competitive)...
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