(07) 5437 8555     Mon - Fri : 08:00am - 05:00pm     26 Premier Circuit, Warana QLD 4575
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Mates in Construction visited our Chinchilla office last week for a training session and to check in on our crew. The ‘Mates’ guys do an amazing job for the mental health of workers in the construction industry, providing valuable resources to workers struggling with their mental health. Before this, Nick Brown from the DSQ Chinchilla...
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This week our Chinchilla office celebrated another safety milestone of 1250 days LTI free on the Shell QGC project, with the Chinny 1250 Golf Day.  The famous brown “Cloaker” jacket was up for grabs, along with other prizes for the longest drive off a shot glass, worst golf shot and the best Happy Gilmore tee...
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Congratulations to Grace and Jacob on the arrival of their first child, Jovie Moon O’Connor. Jovie was born 30th of November at 9:10am, weighing a healthy 6 pounds and measuring 47cm. She looks absolutely perfect and we can’t wait to meet her!
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Mental health and suicide prevention, prostate cancer and testicular cancer – Movember is taking them all on. This year DSQ helped make a change, funding life-changing health projects and spreading lifesaving awareness. Once again Dan Krisanski has grown his Mo to show his support towards Movember. Wearing it well Dan! Love your work!
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Out at our operational site in Chinchilla we have a bunch of dedicated crew members working hard, and all of our crew embrace safety. Every now and then someone will take ownership and run way beyond their job description, one such member is Ron Laxton. Ron takes ownership and comes up with effective solutions to...
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We had another great year participating in the UDIA Golf Day. DSQ Directors Tony Pike and Blair Ffitch teaming up with Toby Zaremba and Al Larchin from Formia for our team for the day. The weather gods teased us with a shower or two but that didn’t stop all  from enjoying a day out of...
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One of our brightest members is Yingxian Li, she is a valuable team member in our Survey Drafting team. At our daily pre-start meetings you can be assured that Yingxian will be noticed with her positive attitude and enthusiasm, it’s a great way to start our mornings off. Great job Yingxian and congratulations for being...
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The August monthly Safety Award was given to Nick McNabb for his regular participation in prestart meetings, for the Transition to work and always being engaged, and his approach to office safety. Congratulations Nick!
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With last week being both R U OK? Day and World Suicide Prevention Day, DSQ has registered to “Fly the Flag” with MATES In Construction as an official supporter of mental health. MATES In Construction hope to highlight the fact that every day should be R U OK? Day. This means consistently checking in with...
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Congratulations to Dan, Carly, and big sister Emma on the safe arrival of baby Alexander John Neal Wood. Alex was born 26th of August at 6:15pm, weighing a healthy 9 pounds! We wish your growing family all the best for the wonderful (and sleepless) times ahead.
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