Electrical Power lines… what’s the big deal? We don’t go near them, or do we?
DSQ was approached by Shell QGC to commence marking in on our drawings the height of the SWER (Single Wire Earth Return) lines so that everyone in the construction phase would be aware.
From this, it sparked a conversation about what the safe zones are when working near power lines. While there is plenty of information out there, many individuals from different fields of work believed that they had been working safely around power lines. Our Safety Officer took the initiative and contacted the Community Safety Specialist for Energy Queensland, Mr Glen Cook (aka Cookie).
Cookie came out and gave an informative presentation to approximately 40 people including both DSQ and QGC staff. From the get-go, the audience was engaged and by the end of it Cookie had educated a room full of workers! We even had some myths put to bed!
DSQ believes all incidents are preventable, it’s guys like Cookie that are extremely valuable in the safety industry. So, if you want to learn more about Electrical Power Lines, contact Glen at Ergon today!
The feedback from attendees:
“Terrific, on the money…”
“I know you can read about this stuff on the web, but sometimes it doesn’t sink in, it’s only when someone stands up in front of you, you really sit up and listen!”
“Great practical information…”